Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What on earth is a "CHAFFLE"?

If you are thinking about starting a Keto diet, you will quickly come up with the "chaffle" because recipes abound on Pinterest, YouTube, and Google.  What the heck is a chaffle, you might ask me?

One of the things you will quickly learn on Keto is that you miss bread.  You miss bread very, very much.  You miss all the things you eat with bread such as sandwiches, cream cheese spreads, etc.  You miss bread things like pizza crust.  You dream of bread.

Out of desperation, the chaffle was invented.  Originally it was made with one egg and mozzarella cheese.  Also touted as required was a Mini Dash or some type of waffle iron.  Here is the basic recipe for the original chaffle:

I know that doesn't sound like it would taste very good, but I have to say it is a fairly good bread substitute, especially when you have been bread-deprived for a long while!

After this recipe was around for a bit, Keto dieters everywhere got busy inventing new and better chaffle recipes.  Everything from savory chaffles to desert chaffles.  Here are a few of these types of recipes:

Then you get to the best one!  Pizza chaffles!!!

Here's a link to Amazon to get your own Mini Dash.  They are fairly inexpensive and I love mine.

So what are you waiting for?  Get your mini waffle maker and start enjoying chaffles!

In leaving, let me give you my favorite chaffle recipe.  I use this every day for sandwiches: